Andy and Dave in Expert Commentary
Scott, Lindsay and Jono
Liz bends over backwards for Broiges Interrupted with Marco and Murray
Mr Music Bryce looks on
Anyone for Tennis - Marco, with Bryce
Gabby Milgate is Unreal Julia Spillard! Ewan and Jono 'lose it'!
Richard emotes - an icon!
Lost the Plotz win and go on to compete in the Cup Winners' Cup Final
Jason is ready for anything
Expert Double Figures takes off!
More experts and Jason can't resist the rubber chicken behind Dave's back!
Dave, Lisa, Jason and Liz are magnificent in elite company!
To express interest as a player, please email geoff@comicroasts.com.au
Visit Kosher Theatreports on Facebook (group or event) to keep up with the latest team news... or return here soon for more info.
"I just want to say thanks for a most extraordinary evening. Last night was one of the best Theatresports evenings I have ever attended and I’ve been to quite a few.
My congratulations to great organization, gathering incredible talent and a fabulous evening." - Gaby Traibetz, Shalom Institute
For player information contact: Geoff Sirmai geoff@comicroasts.com.au
Theatresports® is licensed and administered by Impro Australia, a non-profit performers' association dedicated to presenting quality improvisation in all media.